我们在做论坛网站时,经常需要对论坛内容进行批量修改,如果不采用数据库批量修改,就会把你累爬下,下面是学做网站论坛汇总Discuz论坛常用批量修改SQL语句,根据自己的需要,使用常用SQL语句。注意在使用SQL语句前,一定要备份自己网站的数据库。 所有板块的特殊主题开启
UPDATE `cdb_forums` SET `allowpostspecial` = '31' 调整某个帖子的点击数
UPDATE cdb_threads SET views=点击数 WHERE tid=主题编号; 所有板块开启media代码
UPDATE `cdb_forums` SET `allowmediacode` = '1' 调整所有用户最大头像尺寸(像素)为120
update cdb_settings set value = 120 WHERE variable = 'maxavatarpixel' 一次性关闭板块fid20帖子
UPDATE `cdb_threads` SET `closed` = '1' WHERE `fid` =20 ; 把发帖数为0的用户都转到某个用户组
update cdb_members set groupid = * where posts = 0; UPDATE `cdb_usergroups` SET `allowinvite` = '1', `inviteprice` = '价格';
开启全部用户组的邀请注册权限 并设置价格 replace INTO cdb_settings VALUES ('watermarktype','0');
去除水印图片类型 update cdb_members set lastpost='1186675200';
调整用户最后登录时间为 2007年8月10日 UPDATE `cdb_forums` SET `status` = '1',
`lastpost` = '' WHERE `fid` =6 LIMIT 1 ;
调整 板块隐藏的sql! 完整关闭supesite的sql语句:
UPDATE `cdb_settings` SET `value` = '' WHERE `variable` = 'supe_siteurl' ;
UPDATE `cdb_settings` SET `value` = '' WHERE `variable` = 'supe_sitename';
UPDATE `cdb_settings` SET `value` = '0' WHERE `variable` = 'supe_status';
UPDATE `cdb_settings` SET `value` = '' WHERE `variable` = 'supe_tablepre';
UPDATE `cdb_settings` SET `value` = '0' WHERE `variable` = 'supe_circlestatus'; 将A板块的所有帖子转到B板块的C分类里
update cdb_threads set fid=B板块ID,typeid=c分类的ID where fid=A板块ID;
update cdb_posts set fid=B板块ID where fid=A板块ID;
执行前备份一下数据库 去除后台管理员ip登录限制
UPDATE `cdb_settings` SET `value` = '' WHERE CONVERT( `variable` USING utf8 ) ='adminipaccess' LIMIT 1 ; 删除风格5
delete from cdb_styles where styleid=5 limit 1; UPDATE `cdb_members` SET `pmsound` = '1'
论坛所有用户短消息提示音修改为提示音1 delete from cdb_usergroups where groupid = 0
删除groupid = 0的用户组 UPDATE `cdb_forums` SET `alloweditpost` = '1'
论坛后台 解除insenz绑定语句
delete from cdb_settings where variable='insenz'
论坛后台执行后 就可以 重新注册和绑定了 关闭游客浏览所有版块的语句
update cdb_forumfields set viewperm ='\t允许浏览的用户组的ID\t' where fid in(论坛板块ID)
update cdb_forumfields set viewperm ='\t1\t2\t' where fid in(1,2) UPDATE `cdb_forumfields` SET `rules` = '板块规则'
所有板块的板块规则设置~! UPDATE `cdb_forums` SET `jammer` = '1'
开启所有板块的干扰码 开启所有会员组邀请注册的权限
UPDATE cdb_usergroups SET allowinvite=1, allowmailinvite=1, maxinvitenum=10, maxinviteday=15, inviteprice=10;
//allowinvite 允许使用邀请注册:
//allowmailinvite 允许发送邀请注册:
//maxinvitenum 24小时内购买邀请码最大数量:
//maxinviteday 邀请码有效期:
//inviteprice 邀请码购买价格: 修改最高日发帖数
UPDATE `cdb_settings` SET `value` = '昨日发帖数 最高日发帖数' WHERE `variable` ='historyposts' LIMIT 1 ;
昨日发帖数 和 最高日发帖数 修改为你需要的数字即可, 升级完sql后,更新缓存 '昨日发帖数 最高日发帖数' 中间的空格是tab键~! UPDATE `cdb_settings` SET `value` = '0' WHERE CONVERT( `variable` USING utf8 ) = 'gzipcompress' LIMIT 1 ;
关闭论坛的gzip设置! 批量对用户组禁言
update cdb_members set adminid='-1', groupid='4' where groupid='?';
delete from cdb_threads where authorid=0;
delete from cdb_posts where authorid=0; 批量删除游客组的发帖和主题
uid 2000~3000的会员全部积分清零
update cdb_members set credits=0,extcredits1=0,extcredits2=0,extcredits3=0,extcredits4=0,extcredits5=0,extcredits6=0,extcredits7=0,extcredits8=0 where uid > 2000 and uid < 3000; 指定范围内的审核主题通过审核
update cdb_threads set displayorder=0 where tid > 最小的 tid and tid < 最大的 tid 指定范围内的审核帖子通过审核
update cdb_posts set invisible = 0 where tid > 最小的tid and tid < 最大的 tid 批量删除未审核通过的帖子和主题
delete from cdb_threads where displayorder=-2;
delete from cdb_posts where invisible=-2; 批量关闭投票
UPDATE cdb_threads SET closed = 1 WHERE special=1 UPDATE `cdb_members` SET `secques` = ''
清空用户安全问答! 清空某个用户组的全部积分sql:
update cdb_members set credits = 0, extcredits1 = 0, extcredits2 = 0, extcredits3 = 0, extcredits4 = 0, extcredits5 = 0, extcredits6 = 0, extcredits7 = 0, extcredits8 = 0, where groupid = 用户组id; update cdb_usergroups set allowtransfer=0 关闭所有用户组的积分转账 update cdb_threads set readperm=100 where dateline<1133300000
修改05年11月29日21点33份20秒 前的主题阅读权限100
其中1133300000 是unix时间戳 (以秒为单位) 代表 05年11月29日21点33份20秒
readperm=100 代表阅读权限 把2005年1月1日以前的阅读权限设高.
update cdb_threads set readperm=100 where dateline<1104537600 and digest=0 批量替换帖子里面的评分者的用户名
update cdb_ratelog set uid = '新uid', username = '新username' where uid = '旧的 uid'; 所有的附件默认阅读权限为1
update cdb_attachments set readperm=1 统计发帖量大约0的所有用户积分1的总量
SELECT count(`extcredits1`) FROM `cdb_members` where `posts`=0 批量修改uid1~6会员的 showemail 为 1
UPDATE `cdb_members` SET `showemail` ='1' WHERE `uid` in(1,2,3,4,5,6); 将主题tid大于14651的所有主题减去16761780
update cdb_threads set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_posts set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_attachments set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_myposts set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_activities set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_activityapplies set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_favorites set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_mythreads set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_paymentlog set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_polloptions set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_polls set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_pushedthreads set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_relatedthreads set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_rewardlog set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_rsscaches set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_sessions set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_subscriptions set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_threadsmod set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_tradelog set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
update cdb_trades set tid=tid-16761780 where tid>14651;
此操作前请注意网站备份!!(按照5.0数据表进行修改的 6.0的需要查看下数据库对比下) 将积分1加到积分2上 并清零积分1的sql
update cdb_members set extcredits1=extcredits1+extcredits2;
update cdb_members set extcredits1='0'; 把300天未登录的ID移到某一特殊用户组
update cdb_members set adminid=-1,groupid=特殊用户组ID where lastactivity< unix_timestamp()-300*24*3600 服务器上禁止IP访问命令
iptables -I INPUT -p TCP -s --dport 80 -j DROP 查一个IP有哪个会员登录
select * from cdb_membsers where lastip="IP" UPDATE cdb_posts p, cdb_attachments a SET p.attachment=1 WHERE p.pid=a.pid;
找回丢失附件的sql语句 更新昨日发贴数
select count(*) from cdb_posts where dateline>昨天0时的时间戳 and dateline<今天0时的时间戳
UPDATE `cdb_settings` SET `value` = '昨日发帖数\t1428' WHERE `variable` ='historyposts' LIMIT 1 ; 把"新手上路"用户组下的所有会员转换到另一个特殊的用户组
update cdb_members set groupid=特殊用户组的id where groupid=新手上路用户组的id and adminid=0 删除一个板块的所有回复
delete from cdb_posts where fid = '需要删除回复的版块id' and first = 0; delete from cdb_forums where fid=23 limit 1;
删除fid23的板块 圈子sgid字段缺少 添加的sql
ALTER TABLE cdb_threads ADD sgid mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0' update cdb_threads set replies=(select count(*) from cdb_posts where tid=47708) where tid=47708
更新tid27708主题的统计 关闭所有板块的允许其它模块共享
update cdb_forums set allowshare=0 UPDATE `cdb_memberfields` SET `sightml` = ' '
所有用户的签名清空 UPDATE cdb_posts SET subject=REPLACE(subject,'#','楼');
批量替换帖子中的回复* #的显示为 *楼 删除一个主题的所有回复
delete from cdb_posts where tid = '需要删除回复的主题的tid' and first = 0; UPDATE `cdb_settings` SET `value` = '1' WHERE CONVERT( `variable` USING utf8 ) = 'thumbstatus' LIMIT 1 ;
设置缩略图为 为图片附件添加缩略图 UPDATE `cdb_settings` SET `value` = '2' WHERE CONVERT( `variable` USING utf8 ) = 'thumbstatus' LIMIT 1 ;
设置缩略图为 将图片附件缩到指定的大小 批量验证所有未验证的会员
UPDATE `cdb_members` SET `groupid` = '10' WHERE groupid='8'; 批量删除游客回帖和主题
delete from cdb_threads where authorid=0;
delete from cdb_posts where authorid=0; 删除在180天之前的全部短消息
delete from cdb_pms where dateline<1190518730 清空某个用户的已发短消息 update cdb_pms set delstatus=1 where msgfromid=发送者ID 所有用户组(包括系统用户组,普通用户组,特殊用户组)都可以参与投票的SQL语句:
update cdb_usergroups set allowvote=1 where groupid<4 or groupid>9 UPDATE `cdb_usergroups` SET `raterange` = '1\t-1\t1\t100\n2\t-1\t1\t100'
开启所有用户组的扩展积分1和2的评分值为 最小-1 最大1 24小时100 图片附件设置正确 但是不直接显示的调整sql:
update cdb_attachments set `isimage` =1 where SUBSTRING(`filename`,-3,3)='jpg' or SUBSTRING(`filename`,-3,3)='gif' 固定天数内一部份附件到远程附件的sql
update cdb_attachments set remote = '1' where dateline<unix_timestamp()-86400*天数 修改所有用户组评分的SQL语句 update `cdb_usergroups` set `raterange`='扩展积分ID\t评分最小值\t评分最大值\t24小时最大评分数\n扩展积分ID\t评分最小值\t评分最大值\t24小时最大评分数' 将主题tid大于4009的所有主题减去16773200
update cdb_activities set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_activityapplies set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_attachments set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_campaigns set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_debateposts set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_debates set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_favorites set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_forumrecommend set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_myposts set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_mythreads set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_paymentlog set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_polloptions set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_polls set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_posts set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_relatedthreads set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_rewardlog set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_rsscaches set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_sessions set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_subscriptions set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_threads set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_threadsmod set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_threadtags set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_tradelog set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_trades set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_typeoptionvars set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_videos set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
update cdb_videotags set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
如果安装了supesite 有了推送主题表还加上:
update cdb_pushedthreads set tid=tid-16773200 where tid>4009;
以上sql为6.0版本 批量替换论坛标题内容
UPDATE `cdb_threads` SET `subject` = replace (`subject`,'需要替换的','替换后的') UPDATE `cdb_attachments` SET `thumb` = '0'
取消所有附件的缩略图数据 UPDATE `cdb_threads` SET `highlight` = '0'
取消全部帖子的高亮显示 论坛里所有回复长度小于20的而且没有附件的贴子全部删除掉
delete from cdb_posts where length(message)<20 and attachment=0 查询ftp上的附件是否在数据库内
phpmyadmin中 执行sql:
select * from cdb_attachments where attachment like "%文件名称%" 一次性给一个贴内的所有回帖人加积分
update cdb_members set extcredits2=extcredits2+10 where uid in(SELECT authorid FROM `cdb_posts` WHERE tid=主题ID)
extcredits2 是需要增加的积分字段 , 使用的时候要注意增加的哪个积分字段 truncate cdb_validating
清空用户审核数据表 UPDATE `cdb_members` SET `oltime` = '0'
所有用户的在线时间修改为0 把体积大于 819200kb的附件指定为远程附件
update cdb_attachments set remote = '1' WHERE filesize > 819200 ALTER TABLE `cdb_threads` CHANGE `tid` `tid` MEDIUMINT(8) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;